Master lectures

Stephan Chabardes (France)
Adaptive closed-loop ECoG decoder for the control of an exoskeleton by a tetraplegic
The basic science behind DBS for epilepsy

Liang Chen (China)
Study of histaminergic basal ganglia neuroaferents in the improvement of motor disorders in Parkinson's disease

Denis Dupuiron (France)
Update on intrathecal therapy in oncological pain. Beyond guidelines

Clement Hamani (Canada)
DBS for chronic pain management - is it relevant today?
The science behind stimulation of the anterior nucleus of the thalamus in epilepsy

Robert Levy (United States)
Centres of excellence in neuromodulation: are there differences in different geographical regions?

Paolo Mazzone (Italy)
Stimulation of the Pontine Pedunculus Nucleus for gait disorders. History, myths and realities

Gaston Schechtmann (Denmark)
Spinal cord stimulation and intrathecal drug infusion: Is there synergism?

Konstantin Slavin (United States)
Chronic facial pain, defining the opportunity for peripheral nerve stimulation.

Francisco Velasco Campos (Mexico)
Outcome of DBS for Lennox Gastaut Disease