Dear companions:

As Presidents of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, we have the honor and pleasure of inviting you to participate in the III Ibero-American Neuromodu- lation Meeting that we will hold in Buenos Aires on November 30 and December 1, 2023.

A few years ago we understood that it was very important to be able to bring together different healthcare professionals in neuromodulation, neurosurgery and neuroataxia from Spain, Portugal and Latin America under the same um- brella.

This Ibero-American Meeting wants to be the meeting point for Spanish and Portuguese speaking colleagues who dedicate a large part of their professional, teaching and research activity to neuromodulation.

We were able to hold this Buenos Aires 2023 Meeting during the INS World Con- gress held in Barcelona in 2022 and there we saw the great interest it aroused among both professionals and the medical industry.

The Scientific Committee is preparing an ambitious and innovative program with different scientific activities: debate tables, keynote conferences, symposia, pre-congress training courses, controversial topics... There is also the possibility of sending free communications that will further enrich the scientific program.

On the website www.neuromodulationiberoamericana.com you will have detai- led information about the Meeting as well as the updated program.

The choice of the city of Buenos Aires has been a success because of what the Argentine capital implies at a cultural level as well as at the level of infrastructu- re and connectivity with the rest of the Ibero-American countries.

We are looking forward to greeting you personally in Buenos Aires, next No- vember 30 and December 1, 2023.